🎁Farming System

$ETH Rewards

ETH rewards depend on ZinoPet's points. Player rewards are distributed based on their share of in-game points relative to the total points of all pets in the game.

Note: Claiming rewards resets points to 0.

ETH Rewards Boost

By inviting players, you can get farming boost. The more you invite, the larger the boost.

$ZPET Rewards

When ZinoPet reaches level 10, farming functionality is unlocked, automatically activating. As the level increases, the mining rate continues to rise.

$ZPET Farming Boost

By inviting players, you can get farming boost. The more you invite, the larger the boost.

Note: about Boost

Each additional 'valid invitee' joining the squad increases the boost speed by 0.1%, up to a maximum of 20%.

  • Only 'valid invitees' contribute to the squad count. 'Valid invitees' are users who have previously Minted a pet, including freemint users.

  • During the server launch event, the boost speed is doubled, reaching a maximum of 40%.

Referral Rewards

All $ZPET tokens used within the game are 90% burned, and 10% are sent to referrals. You can check for your referral codes under your account, invite friends, and get 10% of all their $ZPET spent within the app.

Last updated