
1. Minting a Pet

Minting a pet involves the process of creating or obtaining a new pet within the game. Players typically engage in minting activities to add a unique and personalized pet to their collection. This process may involve choosing specific traits, characteristics, or attributes for the pet.

  • 90% of Mint's tokens are burned,

  • 10% are allocated as referral rewards.

2. Name a Pet

Naming a pet is a personalized and often enjoyable aspect of the game. Once a pet is acquired, players have the opportunity to give it a name. This feature adds a sense of ownership and connection between the player and their virtual companion, enhancing the overall gaming experience.

3. Feeding

Feeding is a fundamental activity in the game where players provide sustenance to their pets. This action is crucial for the pet's well-being, growth, and overall performance in various in-game activities. Proper and timely feeding contributes to a healthy and thriving pet.

4. Upgrade

The upgrade feature allows players to enhance or level up their pets. By investing resources or achieving specific milestones, players can unlock new abilities, increase the pet's stats, or access advanced features. Upgrading is a strategic aspect of the game to ensure pets remain competitive and resilient.

5. Farming

Farming is a game mechanic where players can cultivate resources or rewards over time. This can involve activities such as engaging in specific in-game activities to yield valuable returns. Farming adds an economic and strategic layer to the gameplay.

6. Battle

Battling is an interactive and competitive element where players can engage their pets in combat with others. Winning battles often results in rewards, progression, or other in-game advantages, making strategic planning and pet abilities crucial.

7. Burning Points to ETH

Burning points to ETH refers to the conversion of in-game points earned by pets into the game's native cryptocurrency, ETH (Ethereum). This process usually involves a trade-off, where players can choose to convert their accumulated points into a real-world cryptocurrency, providing them with tangible benefits or rewards outside the virtual environment.

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